
How to Quit Smoking in Three Easy Steps

Nicotine addiction is a serious dependency which requires a serious approach.
Each time you try to stop smoking and fail, it becomes more difficult.
Physically your body builds up a resistance and psychologically you begin to see yourself as a failure - someone who cannot beat the addiction.
While some people can stop without assistance, they are in the minority. Most people need help and support.
Studies have shown that you will save a minimum of $50,000 in medical bills over the next 20 years when you quit smoking
If you smoke 1~2 packs a day, you will be able to save approximately $30,000~$70,000 over the next 20 years by succeeding in your efforts to stop smoking " You can buy a House with that Money!"
Medical research shows that on average you will live a minimum of 7 additional years if you quit smoking "Enjoy 7 More Great Years of Life"
You will be able to earn additional income as a result of the reduced sick time that you will need (studies show that smokers get sick much more often than non-smokers)
You will regain your health - medical studies show that health benefits begin as soon as 1

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