
Pet Care Tips For Summer

The summer months can be a difficult time for our pets, especially if they are prone to getting fleas. Flea bites are painful and annoying. Luckily, there are many effective flea control products on the market today. Your veterinarian can help you pick the commercial product(s) best suited to your pet, your climate, and your circumstances.
But have you tried any of these traditional treatments?
Garlic: If your pet will tolerate it, add a touch of garlic juice to the drinking water. It is also effective to place a few cloves of garlic in the bedding.
Lemons: Mix a tablespoon of reconstituted lemon juice into a spray bottle full of water and spritz directly onto your pet's coat.
Yeast: Add a few spoonfuls of brewer's yeast to your pet's food bowl daily. This treatment works very well but it is definitely not for the finicky eater.
Vinegar: Add a little vinegar to your pet's fresh water bowl during the hot summer months. Apple cider vinegar is often very well tolerated, but any type of vinegar will work. Also, a vinegar rinse with doggie's refreshing bath will add shine to his coat while helping to ward off fleas.
If fleas also like to bite you, as well as your pet, simply add yogurt to your summer snack foods. Fleas do not like the taste of Vitamin B1 in the skin. Yogurt will help keep plenty of Vitamin B1 in your skin so you won't be so tasty to the fleas!
Ann Wamack is a freelance writer with Caitlyn's Two Paws Up Pet Site. Please visit the site at c2paws.com

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