
Adding Personality to a House

Some people say that a home is an extension of one’s self. From the furniture to the cookware, a guest can more or less gauge the homeowner’s character. When the furniture is expensive, people can conclude that the owner of the house is wealthy. If they don’t have much furniture but still have a decent home, then visitors can say that the people living there are simple people. There are also those that try to be rich but really can’t sustain such lifestyle.
There are also some homes that seem to be not taken cared of from the outside but once people get to look at the inside, it is the opposite. Homes can also be deceiving and can really fool outsiders and passers-by. Some of the rooms have exquisite antiques, even imported wall décor which are hard to find. A few also have collector items that they really treasure and try to retain or even upgrade its value. Toys for example are not taken out of the box so that owners can sell them at an auction at a high price especially if the toy is a limited edition or is rare to find.
People oftentimes reserve a room for such collectibles so that they won’t get mixed up with the other things that are not that much important to them. Individuals do not want these highly treasured items diminish in value because some of them are special and hold a special place in their hearts and lives. Play houses were once regarded as a dream toy to most of the girls before and are given pride when passing it down to generation from generation. The older it is the better but sometimes because the mentality of each generation changes, succeeding heirs do not appreciate it sometimes.
So the present generations would just store these family heirlooms and try to put them in a room that they can still enjoy looking and occasionally play with it. They even add wrought iron wall décor here and there to the room to make them more comfortable when staying there. Such décor can add to the personality of not only the room but also to a house. It adds character and attitude and gives off an impression that sometimes others find it hard to explain what it really is that draws them to look at it.
Furniture can even add more personality to the house whether it is a real one or just a play house. For the young girls, the play house is like a small house for them that enables them to imagine and reenact what they want the dolls to be and portray it without people questioning their actions. A play house is something almost every girl around the world is able to play with. Storing and placing it inside a room in a house should make the girls feel that they want to keep on playing with it even though they have grow older already.
Metal wall sculptures can add even more attitude to the house. It is able to make people feel whatever emotion there is in the sculpture. Also, fixtures such as sculptures give off a different aura that can add mystery and thrill to whoever comes inside the home for the first time.
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