
Weight Loss By God's Natural Design

If you want to lose weight and gain better health, the following list will lead you in changes you can make that will help both. We must consider the natural design of the body and what makes it function the very best instead of doing what is harmful when trying to lose weight. If we lose weight and our health, we have lost everything. This method will also be most likely to keep weight off. We are choosing a lifestyle, not going on a diet.
1. The goal for losing weight should always be optimal health which will in turn give optimal weight. So focus on improving your health each step of the way. However, if we get too legalistic and stringent, we will always fail, so the first tip is to adopt the 5% Rule. Eat 95% premium healthy food and 5% anything you want - yes, anything! 2. Drink half your weight, in ounces, of pure water - but not with meals. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, so the next time you want to eat, instead drink a big glass of water. This also helps with proper digestion, elimination and cell communication. Do not drink with meals because this dilutes the stomach acids and enzymes which assist in proper digestion.
3. Maintain a high percentage of raw plant food which provides the enzymes to support proper functioning of the adrenal glands and, in turn, keeps the metabolism high, providing abundant energy and burning more calories.
4. Appetite is controlled by fiber, nutrient density and caloric density. Choosing food which is high in fiber and has the highest nutrient per calorie ratio will help to control the appetite best. The top three food categories for this are green vegetables (both leafy and solid), fresh fruit and legumes. These foods not only support healthy weight, but also protect against life-threatening disease.
5. Exercise a minimum of 20-30 minutes daily or about three hours per week. Exercise increases the metabolism which burns more calories, makes digestion more efficient, helps maintain lean body mass and revs up energy production in the cells.6. Maintaining a diet high in unrefined plant food, which is high in fiber, allows unused calories to be expelled instead of stored as fat. According to a 1970 study by Dr. Dennis Burkett, an unrefined high fiber plant-based diet produced 60% of ingested calories in excreted feces while only 20% of ingested calories were in the feces of the group eating refined, processed and non plant food. The low fiber/refined food was mostly stored as fat.7. The Chinese diet has almost 300 more calories per day than the U.S. diet, yet they are much less obese because their diet is approximately 99% plant food. The type of calorie does matter.
8. The type of fat we consume also matters for health and weight loss. Switch from bad fats to good fats. Bad fats are animal fat, hydrogenated fat and heated fat. Good fats are raw, unheated, non hydrogenated plant fat as found in raw nuts and seeds, avocados, coconut and extra virgin olive oil and other unheated plant oils (oils should be used in small amounts because of concentration). Good fat will reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, but cannot be overused or you will be ‘wearing’ good fat on your body.9. New technology has now produced plant sterol supplements, phytosterols, which are nutrients from plants which nourish the endocrine (glandular) system - the 'go' systems of the body. A well-functioning endocrine system helps support the body's efficient burning of fat among many other benefits such as supporting the natural production and balance of hormones.10. Eat only whole grains, preferably intact (not milled or flaked). Refined grains (also known as durum semolina flour, wheat flour, unbleached white flour, enriched wheat, unbleached wheat flour) clog the intestines causing excess weight and turning food which is not properly digested, due to the now improperly functioning intestines, into fat.
11. When the cells are given the nutrients they need to be satisfied, they do not constantly scream for more food. The eight essential glyconutrients which cause proper cell to cell communication, gives the nutritional support needed to satisfy the most important need of the cells. When the cells communicate properly, everything else functions more efficiently and excess weight is eliminated more easily.
12. High protein, low carbohydrate diets cause the body to lose lean tissue (muscle which burns fat), water and minerals. Once the dieter is off the diet, the body will avidly devour and retain these needed materials, and the weight will zoom back on, quite often higher than the starting point. The longer a person is on the high protein diet, the more damage is done to the heart, arteries, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, pH balance and vitamin/mineral balance. Carbohydrates are the intended source of energy for the body, however, the problem with carbohydrates is in choosing processed, manmade, fat laden or unbalanced menus (such as potatoes and corn several times a week).13. Minimize sugars and cooked foods in the diet, which tend to cause an imbalance of the B-vitamins which will set off strong cravings for the wrong foods. Sugar substitutes also cause cravings along with many other health problems. Raw honey is the best source of sweetener.14. To help insure your food is assimilated instead of turned into fat, chew your food until it is liquid, in a relaxed environment. Do not overeat and do not eat again until the stomach is empty. Also, for best digestion, do not eat fruit with other food.15. Take plenty of pure water and raw food with you when leaving the house for a while so impulse eating will be minimized.
16. Consider fasting one day a month to cleanse, reset the appetite and gain self discipline. This is more powerful than you can imagine and becomes easier the longer you do it.
17. Instead of using food for comfort, consider going to the Living Well, Jesus, The Greatest Comforter!
About the Author
Submitted by Karen Holmes Find out more about the plant sterols and the patented eight glyconutrients at: A friend lost over 50 pounds in 6 months after only adding the glyconutrients. Get up to $45 free product and 10% off with first autoship. Two day shipments.

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