The stages of bowling lane conditioning are something most bowlers, and many pro shop operators, know little about. This has been true for the 30 plus years that I have been involved in the game.
A bowling ball must go through three stages, or zones.
1. Slide
2. Hook
3. Roll
A bowling lane must match those three stages when it is conditioned.
Terms used inBowling Lane Conditioning
1. Heads - first fifteen to twenty feet
2. Midlane - twenty to forty feet
3. Backend - forty feet to pin deck
4. Pin Deck - place where pins are spotted
5. Transition - when the ball goes through it's stages More conditioner must be applied on the heads due to the drop zone of the bowling ball. It also is to keep the ball from hooking or rolling too early. It helps the ball get through the head portion of the lane. After the ball goes through the heads it needs to slow down so that it can hook. It must transition gradually in the midlane. That's why the conditioner must be tapered from the heads to the back end. Now the bowling ball is going from slide to hook. In order for the ball to roll, the backend must be dry.
Summary of the stages of bowling lane conditioning:
A bowling lane is conditioned for slide transition, hook, and roll You could Picture this like a rocket taking off from the earth to the outer space.
1. You must have a take off part so the rocket can get off the ground. = The slide .
2. After the rocket is off the ground it must transition to get out of the atmosphere. = The transition and hook.
3. Then transition again to adjust to the outer space itself. = The roll This is the same kinda concept involved in bowling lane conditioning.
Bowling Tips and Techniques - The Study of Bowling Ball Motion
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