
Resale packages have made a come back

How many people are earning a huge living off of master resell packages and how you can have one of your sites up and running in no time.
Resale packages have made a come back in recent months and now you will be seeing all sorts of these packages. They range from info products to software and of course the latest big thing PLR (private label rights) articles. There is a good amount of money to be made from these packages but you need to know exactly how to do it. Sadly many do not and the package that they paid for just sits around collecting cyber dust instead of money.
What is a resale package? These are packages of products that come with master resell rights and allow you to resell them as free bonuses or package with other products. They often come with their own ready to go websites and sales letters.
How do you find these resale packages? You can go onto Google and look up resale right packages. Choose any that are relevant to your industry. They will usually be membership sites with a monthly subscription fee.
Choosing a good resale package: Be careful what you are buying. Some packages have just one or 2 decent products and the rest is just junk. Others are selling stuff that has been around too long and is virtually valueless as a saleable product. Be very sure that the products fit your market and type of business you are in. Also be sure that the products have a good sales letter template that you can set up easily, either on your website or stand alone.
Setting up your website: Try to get a package that includes sales letters for the products, as these are the most time consuming and critical part of selling. There are 2 ways that you will be able to profit with these packages:
Put all or some of your resale products into a special bonus package and sell with one of your original products. For example an e-book you have written or software you have developed.
Make sure you have 1-2 good quality high demand products in the package that you can use as your main sellers and package them using other products as bonuses.
Set up your sales page with your payment links. Papal is a good processor to start with, as it is free and easy to use. You can also use Clickbank. This will have a $50 set up fee.
Remember to set up an affiliate program to help you sell more You can do this with Clickbank, couple this with joint ventures to really jumpstart your sales. You can set up JVs with publishers and related businesses.
Ways to make money with resale packages:
Membership sites: You can set up a membership site of your own and offer resale products and packages. Add a subscription newsletter for added profit and member interest. Add good resources and interesting up to date original articles to keep members interested and encourage them to renew their subscriptions. There are plenty of places to get advice and software to set this up if you look up membership sites in your industry on Google.
Free giveaways-increase subscribers with a free gift: Choose a couple of your products from your package to use as free giveaways to your visitors as an incentive for signing up for your free newsletter.
Viral marketing: Use a good e-book from the package as a free giveaway on your site. This will be good for viral marketing. Remember to make sure the e-books will grant you branding rights. You want to be promoting your links not somebody elses.
There is a lot of money in resale packages when you use innovative ways to market them. These are just a few starters to get you up and running quickly. The main thing to remember is to research the packages well before you buy into them so that you are offering quality products that are high in demand for your market. In this way you will be well on your way to making a profitable business using resale packages.

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