
Bible story: God sens Elijah to King Ahab (part 2)

King Ahab was very angry and sent soldiers out to look for Elijah. They went through the land of Israel, and even to the nearby nations to see if they could find him. But God had hid Elijah from the wrath of the king. He told him to go down to a little brook that flowed into the River Jordan. There were no houses or towns nearby where he could get food, but God sent him food everyday. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and then again in the evening. He drank water from the little brook. The king never thought to look for him there.
Week after week went by and there was no rain. The green grass all dried up and the ground became hard so that no seeds could grow in it. After a time even the brook dried up and Elijah had no water to drink.
Then God spoke to Elijah and told him to go to a town called Zarephath on the sea coast where he had commanded a widow woman to take care of him. It was a long journey of about 100 miles. He knew the king had men looking for him so he went carefully, staying away from the towns and houses. He had to walk so it must have taken him several days.
Everywhere he went he saw dried up grounds and gardens, he could feel the hot sun which was scorching the ground. When he came to the gate of the city, he saw a woman picking up some sticks. He called to her, “Bring me a drink of water, please and some bread.” The woman answered him, “I have no bread, I have only a little meal and a very little olive oil. I was gathering these sticks to make a fire and bake the last loaf of bread for my son and myself. After that we will have no more food and we will starve.”
Elijah said, “Don’t be worried, for God says that your meal and oil will last until it rains again.” The woman baked a little loaf for Elijah and then for herself and her son. God took care of them. As long as Elijah stayed there, there was meal in the barrel and oil in the little jug. This was a miracle, something only God could do. For many months Elijah lived there with them. James 5:17 tells us that it did not rain for three and a half years because Elijah prayed. All this time there was a famine in the land.
Soon after this the word of the Lord came again to Elijah saying, “Go back to King Ahab for I will send rain upon the earth again.” Down in Samaria where the king lived the famine was very bad. The cattle were dying because there was no grass for them and no water. King Ahab cared more for his horses and keeping them alive than he did for the people of the land. He had gone out into the country to see if he could find any pasture for all his horses and mules.
One of his servants had met Elijah and told the king that he was on his way to meet him. When King Ahab saw Elijah, he blamed him for the famine and said, “Are you the one who is bringing all this trouble upon Israel?” Elijah spoke sternly and boldly to the king, “You have brought this famine on the land because you have turned away from the living God and led the people to worship Baal. Now send and get all the prophets of these gods together. Then call all the people of Israel to come down to Mt Carmel and I will meet you there.”
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