
Angel Tattoo Designs - Angel Tattoos

Angel tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Angel tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a angel tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing angel tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best angel tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Flower Tattoo Designs - Flower Tattoos

Flower tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Flower tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a flower tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing flower tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best flower tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Fairy Tattoo Designs - Fairy Tattoos

Fairy tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Fairy tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a fairy tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing fairy tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best fairy tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Rose Tattoo Designs - Rose Tattoos

Rose tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Rose tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a rose tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing rose tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best rose tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Dragonfly Tattoo Designs - Dragonfly Tattoos

Dragonfly tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Dragonfly tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a dragonfly tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing dragonfly tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best dragonfly tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Zodiac Tattoo Designs - Zodiac Tattoos

Zodiac tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Zodiac tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a zodiac tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing zodiac tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best zodiac tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Can You Learn to Play Piano?

There are many myths surrounding the ability to play the piano. For example, many believe that it requires a special talent to master, when in reality all it takes is some hard-work and dedication. Don't get me wrong, there are some who are naturally talented when it comes to playing a musical instrument, but most have learned through their own perseverance. By understanding the reality behind learning to play the piano, it may help you decide if you want to take the time to learn. Who knows? Maybe you have a hidden natural talent for it, and it just needs to be dug up.Because so many believe that it requires a natural talent to play the piano, many don't even attempt to learn. Like any skill we develop, it requires hours of practice repeated continuously. The good thing about the piano though, is that it is a little easier to learn if you are a little tone deaf. Unlike most string instruments, that piano has specific notes you will hit to play a tune, whereas other instruments require that your ears tell you when you have hit the right note, and there are no specific keys to hit for a certain tone. The violin is a good example of an instrument that requires you to hear the note, rather than just know that you hit the note that the sheet music told you too.Don't get me wrong, playing the piano is not a walk in the park. It is by no means easy and for those that have mastered the skill, they have been playing and practicing for a number of years. In fact, many got their start as very young children. It normally requires that you play anywhere from 1/2 hour to an hour a day to really learn how to play. If you are serious about learning how to play, you must be committed.Another piece of advice-don't expect to play full out songs right away. Learning to play the piano is a step by step process. You must become familiar with keys, chords and scales before you learn how to play Canon in D.Many secretly have the desire to play the piano, but don't give it a try because they believe that they are too old to learn. Even though I stated earlier that most who have mastered the skill started out young, it is not a requirement to learn. As long as you are willing to do the time, age doesn't matter much at all. (Unless of course your fingers are too crippled to move, then it might matter.)There are many piano styles but the basics for all piano styles, whether it be classical, jazz, or gospel are the same. Learning to count and rhythm can sometimes be a challenge, which is why learning the basic counts is essential. Like anything else you attempt, take it one step at a time and before you know it you'll be playing like you never before imagined.

Dolphin Tattoo Designs - Dolphin Tattoos

Dolphin tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Dolphin tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a dolphin tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing dolphin tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best dolphin tattoo design.
Click Here to Visit TattooMeNow - See Thousands of Professional Tattoo Designs

Tip on Pencil Portrait Drawing - Multiple Subjects

When it comes to multiple subjects in one pencil portrait drawing, there are two possibilities:
(1) all subjects appear in one photograph;
(2) the subjects appear in different photographs.
We will be concerned with the second possibility.
It will not take long before you will get a request to make one portrait out of several photographs. This often happen when grandma wants to have a portrait made of all her grandchildren. This can be done but you need to be aware of a number of issues.
Here are a few guidelines to follow when combining photographs:
* Lighting Check the light source in each of the photographs. Your portrait drawing needs a unified light source. Hopefully the light source is the same in all the photographs.
However, this is unlikely and, therefore, you will have to adapt the lighting in some of the pictures when you draw your composite portrait. This is a difficult but necessary challenge.
All shadows and tones have to be consistent otherwise your composite portrait will have a strange look to it. This, now, is a matter of experience and knowing how a subject looks like when lighted in a certain manner. There are no shortcuts here.
You may try to find a photograph or image of some other subject where the light source is located in a suitable location and deduce from that how the shadows and values are distributed.
* Gaze Try to make all your subjects gaze in the same general direction. You can do this by adjusting the location of the irises. You do not want each subject staring in a different direction because this will make them look disjointed.
* Composition When you have different photographs you have the opportunity to create your own composition. The standard overall compositional shapes are: the circle; the rectangle; the triangle, and the square. Choose one of these and arrange the subjects within it. Start with the largest subject and arrange the others around it in a pleasing manner.
* Size Another problem you will encounter is that the subject in the different photographs will be portrayed in different relative sizes. One subject will be small, the other will be large.
Therefore, you will need to go through the process of reducing all subjects to the same scale. To this end, start with the largest of the subjects and measure the distance from the mouth to the eyes. Then try to reproduce this measurement in all the other subjects.
If the subjects are of different ages, say a child and an adult, adjustments must be made in the measurements according to the known average differences of such subjects.
For example, a child's head has different average measurements than that of an adult. If you have a photograph of the two together then you can study the differences and draw accordingly.
Much more can be said about merging different photographs into one pencil portrait drawing. The above suggestions represent a strong start.
Again, it must be said that your success will depend primarily on experience. So do not be discouraged if things do not work out the first few times around. Practice makes perfect.
Remi Engels, Ph.D., is a pencil portrait artist and oil painter. Samples of Remi's pencil portraits and other articles can be found at Remi's Pencil Portraits.

Tiger Tattoo Designs - Tiger Tattoos

Tiger tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. Tiger tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.
If you are interested in getting a tiger tattoo (or any other kind), it's a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.
Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing tiger tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best tiger tattoo design.

You Can Learn to Paint

We all admire paintings. Our tastes may very our preferences be diverse but we all like to look at paintings. Secretly we wish we could produce the kind of work our favourite artists seem to be able to churn out at will. Well the good news is you can. Painting, contrary to the popular myth is not some secret gift given by the gods to a select few. It is simply a skill that can be learned by anyone who is prepared to put a little time and effort in.
Most people are intimidated from picking up a brush. Their self confidence about their ability to paint has probably suffered a number of knocks beginning at the school art class where they may have been led to believe that they didn't have the "gift". That mysterious "gift" that doesn't exist. This belief may have been reinforced by others so they go through life been able to learn new skills for their job but not daring to pick up a paint brush.
They may learn complex engineering skills, computer skills become successful in business but mention art and they can't do it, because art, so the myth goes, requires a special gift. This is one of life's greatest myths. Learning to paint is just like learning to drive. Nobody jumps into a car on their first lesson and drives straight for the motorway.
Remember when you first started to learn to drive. How complex everything seemed to be. The clutch control that you thought you would never be able to master, the gears, that three point turn. After a few years on the road driving becomes automatic. Because driving is a skill. And like all skills it can be learned by anybody.
Art is the same. It is just a skill and nothing more. Learning to draw requires the student to learn to master certain techniques. With a little time and effort these techniques are easily mastered and was seemed out of your reach becomes second nature to you. If you haven't picked up a brush since you were at school you are missing out on a wonderful experience. If you've always wanted to learn to paint but are intimidated from going to an art class then there are numerous other ways to learn.
Art instructional dvds are a great way to get to grips with the basic techniques. It was this method that got me back into art. I too believed that art required a special gift and that only a few people could do it until I bit the bullet and had a go. I soon realised that the techniques of painting are easily learned and I surprised myself at how quickly I was learning. If only the art class at school had been so instructive.
Art instructional dvds are a good way to get back into art. You can play them on your computer with an easel set up at the side and follow the artist as he instructs you. If you don't understand some point you can replay it until it sinks in. Within a short space of time you will surprise yourself at how fast you can acquire the skills to paint a good painting. Before starting though, the first thing you have to do is dump the belief that been able to paint requires some special gift. It doesn't, like anything else in life it's just a skill that can easily be mastered.
Paul Merry runs


Prepare Yourself Financially For Travel

In our modern society, travel is no longer a luxury, but it is considered a necessary part of having a healthy and meaningful life. Anyone with a dream of seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France or Machu Picchu in Peru can find a way to reach that destination if he or she plans well enough and long enough.
Before a ticket is purchased or a reservation is made, the first thing a person must do is to begin to save money. Travel, whether by plane, train, or automobile, is not cheap. Even if there are no immediate plans for travel, a Travel Fund can and should be started right away. Depending on the number of people in your family and the type of destination you think you are likely to choose, begin to put a set amount of money aside each paycheck. If you are paid twice a month, a good amount to start might be $50 to $100 each paycheck. Begin to deduct the determined amount from your checking account register. "Deposit" your travel savings from each paycheck onto a separate page for your Travel Fund so you not only know how much you have saved, but so it will not get mixed up with the money that normally goes for regular bills and living expenses. After one year of saving for a vacation, you could possibly have $1200 to $2400 saved. This is a good start to your goal of a carefree vacation with your loved ones.
The next thing you need to do after you have started a Travel Fund is to begin to formulate a travel plan so a budget can be created. Pre-travel expenses to include in your travel budget might be passports, maps, and pet care. If your family plans to drive to their vacation destination, then budgetary considerations should be made for tolls, gasoline, hotels and food along the way. If flying is the preferred or necessary mode of travel, then airline tickets, cabs, or rental cars should be included in the travel budget. Arrival at the final destination will bring more expenses to include in the budget such as hotels, food, entrance to attractions and museums, transportation costs, and souvenirs.
By following these two important steps when preparing for a vacation, you will be able to truly relax knowing you have prepared yourself financially for the costly good times of taking a vacation with family and friends.
Jennifer Tankersley is the creator where you can find over 300 lists and planning pages including your own Travel Fund and travel budgets, plus packing lists and itineraries, to put your world in order and also of List Mama Blog: Lists of Lists for List-Lovin' Mamas.

Driving in Spain and the Trouble with Spanish Drivers

Driving in Spain is a lot of the time pleasurable, smooth new roads with few fellow drivers to look out for, allowing one to take in the beautiful, changing countryside, but at other times it can also be a nerve racking experience, navigating bone shaking routes where you try not to blink in case you cause irreparable damage to body and machinery!
In recent times the Spanish have invested heavily on new toll motorways with the intention of removing traffic from the heavily congested national routes that seem to run through every town no matter where you are heading.
Unfortunately, it seems that the average Spanish motorist resents having to pay for his driving pleasures and continues to use the national routes therefore, allowing the more affluent to benefit from the faster, smoother and obviously emptier toll roads thus avoiding a lot of the Spanish drivers.
Spanish drivers are by no means the worst in the world but they do have many habits and mannerisms that will make you both cringe and chuckle; they possess the same love of the horn embraced by so many other nations' drivers, (the Italians spring to mind). But their use of the horn doesn't seem to be for notifying another driver of a serious driving infringement but instead to remind people that they are sitting at a red light or that Real Madrid or Barcelona or whoever they have pledged their allegiance to, has just scored a goal!
I think most drivers would agree that round-a-bouts are quite simple to use, but they seem to be a complete mystery to many Spanish drivers, on many occasions, a happy- go- lucky Spaniard in the right hand lane will decide that he is turning left, often with no indication, the result of this being the screeching of quickly applied foot brakes from vehicles travelling in the left hand lane with the intention of carrying straight on.
Amazingly though, this type of manoeuvre, as mentioned earlier, is apparently deemed quite acceptable by the average Spanish motorist and the barrage of horns one would expect is never heard.
The Spanish have rather a crazy way of overtaking also, or at least the speed merchants amongst them do.
Many of the major roads in Spain are dual carriageways and at times you will need to overtake slower traffic. It is at this time that you are likely to encounter the presence of 'loco' driver. You will go through your overtaking procedure - mirror, indicate, manoeuvre -and then, as if by magic, a quick look in your rear view mirror reveals that you have a car practically riding your bumper with its left indicator flashing like there's no tomorrow.
My advice, pull in as soon as humanly possible and let the lunatic past!
Strangely enough this is also deemed acceptable practise!
I would say on the whole though, having driven in the UK, driving in Spain is vastly more enjoyable with far fewer vehicles and far less road rage and once you get used to the quirkiness of the Spanish driver (for want of a better description) it is a lot safer as well.

Cyprus Airports Are Growing

With the increase in tourist numbers visiting the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, the local infrastructure is having to grow at a similar rate. What does the future hold for the people of the island?
The political turmoil that has taken place in Cyprus since the end of the Second World War has clearly left its mark on the people of this land. In fact, it still continues to have an impact - this is, after all, a divided island.
To the north, we find an area that is closely linked to Turkey. To the south, sympathies are aligned to Greece. Given this background, how is it possible that the island can sustain any sort of tourism industry?
The reality is that tourism isn't simply sustained here - it has been growing at a fast rate. Visitors are drawn by so much of what this island can offer.
For those of us travelling from the UK, a key factor is the great weather that Cyprus seems to experience. While summers at home may see temperatures and weather conditions vary, many of us feel that a trip to Cyprus will mean long, hot summer days.
Fortunately, this is usually the case. As more and more visitors looked to travel to the island, the authorities and private individuals have responded. New hotels, bars, restaurants and nightclubs have taken shape.
If you want to enjoy a high quality hotel, then there are now plenty to choose from. As you'd expect, all of the associated activities have also appeared - take advantage of the wonderful sports opportunities, for example.
With millions of people now flocking to the island, it's been important to ensure that transport and communications links are of the required standards.
This has been achieved, with Cyprus airports growing in response to the tourist numbers. The modern international airports are now comparable with many places around the Mediterranean and are clearly better that some locations.
This growth has been necessary, although some regret that tourism has also brought an end to an older way of life.
That's always a difficult balance to strike. Visit Cyprus and you'll soon see why it remains so popular.
Find out more about Cyprus airport information and Cyprus, with further contributions from Keith Barrett. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

Crete Holidays

This largest and one of the major Greek island is full of amazing and stunning tourist attractions, rich history and culture, lots of water and sea front, villages and much more, for an unforgettable holiday.

Following are some the things to do and see when holidaying in Crete:
Pirate ship tours
When holidaying in Crete take pirate ship tours in Captain Hook or Barbarosa, the ships with pirate theme and crew dressed up in pirate avatar. The pirate tours offered are often destined towards Bali or Marathi. During the tours the ships also stops in between so that visitors and tourist can capture the scenery in their cameras.
Dolphin Tours

This Greek island offers boat tours to areas where tourist and visitors can find and cherish beautiful dolphins. These dolphin boat trips can be longer or smaller depending upon the boats and the trip providers, but each of these trips lets visitors and tourist capture the beauty and exquisiteness of the island by stopping at various places. These boats leave from Rethymno harbor.
The Monastery of Arkadi
Monastery of Arkadi is located at a distance of 23 km from Rethymno town and is castle kind structure, with a history from Byzantine era. The Monastery has a rich historical background to it with stories from 16th century, Turkish invasion and the era of 1866. This tourist attraction is often admired by many history loving tourist and visitors, holidaying in Crete.
The Palace of Knossos
This Minoan palace of Knossos has a construction of four wings with a central court and covers 20,000square metres of total area. While the structure was actually dug up in 1900, it was discovered in 1878 by a merchant of Crete. With many of its original things and information being lost, the palace was later rebuilt by Arthur Evans, a British archaeologist.
The Cave of Zeus

This tourist attraction is a good way of adding mysterious and adventurous side to your holiday in Crete. The cave has many legend and stories related to it by Greek mythology and adds to the ancient structural value of the Greek island. Standing silent with symbols and icons, the cave is an important part of Minoan era and fascinates tourists and visitors.
Water Parks
Holiday in Crete with family can be made more enjoyable by visiting water parks present on this Greek island. Two major water parks are Limnoupolis and Star beach Water Park. Surrounded with water based attractions, water activities, water sports, restaurants, fast food zone and bars, the water parks are best way to relax and have a family time, when holidaying in Crete.
This Greek island brings an array of interesting and historically rich museums presenting real and deeper background and stories, related to the history of the island. Some of these amazing museums are the Lychnostatis Museum, the Sitia Museum, Historical and Folklore Museum and The Archaeological Museum.

Best time to visit or holiday in Crete
This Mediterranean coastline of Greece presents year round warm and sunny weather, with hot summer months from April - October and perfectly mild winters. While tourist and visitors can be seen, holidaying in Crete, throughout the year, best time to holiday would be the summer season.

Sweden Weather - How Hot is it?

In Sweden, weather is a much talked about subject. That is how it usually is in many of the northern countries because the weather is often not very good, especially in winter. The country is long-shaped, roughly north to south, and because of this the weather can be very different at either end.

The Sweden weather you experience depends on where you are. It is actually possible to have snow in summer, but also sunbathe at midnight - all in the same country. The southernmost tip of the country is around 55 degrees latitude north and the northernmost tip around 69 degrees north, inside the Arctic Circle.
The Sweden weather in winter ranges from around -40 degrees Celsius to 2 degrees Celsius. In summer it tends to be from around 15 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius - sometimes even hotter.

January through to March is when snow can be expected, though in the far north this is more variable and less contained. It can rain at any time, and rather unfairly, it is the warmest months of July and August that gets the most rain.
The Sweden weather is mostly temperate. This is mainly because of the Gulf Stream waters that lap its shores and bring temperate winds from the west. Southern Sweden can be surprisingly warm and a lot less cold than many would expect for its northern position. In the mountains of the north, however, a bitterly cold sub-Arctic climate prevails most of the time.
Some 15 percent of the country is within the Arctic Circle. This means that from around the end of May until the middle of July that part has no night. This is the Midnight Sun. Any traveler who is not used with this amount of continuous daylight will most likely have difficulty in sleeping in the north of Sweden during the summer months.
The converse is true for the northern 15 percent; in winter they have perpetual darkness from the middle of December until the end of the first week of January. During this time, Stockholm, the capital to the south, has only five and a half hours of daylight.
The Sweden weather is enhanced by two major factors. One we have touched on already; the effects of the Gulf Stream, which brings pre-warmed winds over the land providing a temperate climate. The other factor is the continental high pressures that develop to the east. These create Sweden weather that is sunny, often quite hot in summer, and while cold in winter, they do relieve a dark days considerably.
In winter in the far north, the average Sweden weather temperatures can plunge to -40 degrees Celsius. In summer in the southern parts it can exceed 32 degrees Celsius on occasion. This is a vast temperature range that few countries can equal, and it aptly demonstrates the great diversity of weather to be found within Sweden.
The Sweden weather has a lot of precipitation throughout the year. The rainiest season is during late summer, especially in the southeast where they get around 24 inches of rainfall a year. By contrast, in Lappland in the north the annual rainfall is only half that amount.

Fabulous Restaurants and Bars in Birmingham

Birmingham is the 2nd biggest city in the uk & it is a really modern place with lively nightlife and some snazzy shops. Birmingham is placed in the west midlands &, according to a estimate in 2006, it has a population of 1,006,500.
People that are from birmingham are often dubbed 'Brummies', because of the city's nickname of Brum. this name comes from the city's dialect name, Brummagem, which is originated from one of the city's earlier names, 'Bromwicham'. there is a distinct Brummie dialect, which is characteristic of people from this city.
Whether you're visiting brum for a day trip or staying in the city for a short break or holiday, you'll find many of insightful things in the city to explore during your stay.
Whether you want to enrich your mind at one of birmingham's museums or you're arranging to participate with a sporting or cultural event, the city really has something for everyone.
One of the best things about Birmingham has to be its great museums, galleries and attractions that are lively and insightful for all the family. one of the most interestingis Dudley Zoo, which is located next to dudley castle and boasts some fabulous animals that live in over 40 acres of beautiful gardens.
Some of our other favourite places include the birchills canal museum, bantock house and selly manor.

As you might already be aware, brum is home to the Bullring mall, which makes it the perfect city for shopping fans to visit. indeed, the Bullring has over 110,000 square feet of retail space, which has some exciting shops including dune, vivienne westwood, & punky fish.
Alternatively, there's many stores in the centre of the city, too. you will find some top shops located on the high street, as well as some wonderful independent shops in The Custard Factory, which is built on a former custard factory.
If you're lucky enough to spend the night in Birmingham, you should take advantage of the city's playful night life. The city boasts everything from rustic pubs and vip cocktail bars to enormous nightclubs, so you'll find that there is something for everyone to enjoy.
It goes without saying that birmingham boasts branches of most major hotel chains such as malmaison and novotel. This means that you can relax after your big night out with a fantastic rest.

Thanks for browsing our information to birmingham - we hope that you found it useful.
If you require further info on birmingham hotels or even a handful of help on stuff to do in the city, contact with your locality visitor information centre.
Karriane Lacinder has been a travel writer for the past 16 years. She has written city guides for many publications, including Corbridge tourist information and Leeds city guide.

Hidden Costs For Travelers

The amount of money people generally spend on a daily basis when using a credit card tends to exceed an initially thought-out budget. This is due to the fact that we can't physically see the money we are using until the bill arrives at the end of each month. This is where hidden costs creep in without us being any the wiser.
Those people who use their credit or debit card whilst on holiday abroad are even more prone to over-spending and racking up huge bills. This is due to the fact that when we are on holiday we declare our good sense and saving mentality at the airport gate and convince ourselves that just being on holiday equates to escaping our lives and therefore relinquishes us of following our usual routines and self-imposed conformities. For example, people will indulge themselves by eating and drinking more than usual, going out for meals at restaurants on a daily basis, perhaps even twice a day, and purchasing items that in everyday life they would deem an unnecessary extravagance.
Using a credit or debit card also allows people the luxury of not knowing how much they've spent and they therefore lose track of the amount and simultaneously condone the spending because they are 'on holiday'. A survey conducted by uSwitch revealed that British holidaymakers will spend £23bn using their credit and debit cards whilst abroad this year alone. The majority of travellers are unaware of the costs they are incurring, and while most consumers are conscious of the fees involved for both cash withdrawals and exchange rates, they are the unwitting victims of the English banks who charge an average of £1.19 per individual overseas transaction. By making regular transactions of small amounts of money a person will end up paying a great deal more. If someone is away for a week, the inevitable two meals that they will purchase daily, each done on their credit or debit card, will result in extra costs of up to £21, the price of another meal.
Holidaygoers are advised to withdraw larger amounts of money at a time thereby using cash to make their purchases, in this way by reducing the usage of their plastic they will in turn lessen the bank charges. Another alternative would be for consumers to exchange their money on a commission-free basis prior to traveling, for example at your local post office, and simply use this money while on holiday. Furthermore, if it is preferred to stick to the plastic, then it is recommended to keep an eye on your travel outgoings by setting up online banking which is accessible anywhere, as long as there is internet access. This will also prevent the possibility of card fraud as you will be aware of any strange behaviour which could occur by regularly checking your credit card transactions online. Ultimately, select a method that works best for your needs and circumstances and remember to be a conscious spender even when you are on vacation.
Hadassah is an author of several articles pertaining to Credit Cards. He is known for his expertise on the subject and on other Business and Finance related articles.

What to Do If You Lose Your Luggage

Panic. That's probably the first thought facing anyone who has had the awful experience of losing their luggage. It's also the least effective way of solving the problem.
Unfortunately it is a statistical fact that every year thousand of bags do go missing. This can be for a wide variety of reasons. Certainly it is true that some bags seem to go missing during the baggage handling process that goes on behind the mysterious conveyer belt flaps. It is also a sad fact that some luggage is stolen, and in today's climate of increased security, the theft of luggage poses particular risks. Clearly the loss of your case with your own identifiable documents in it is especially dangerous to both yourself and potentially a considerable number of other people.
So, what is the best solution to the problem of you finding your luggage has gone missing? This, of course, depends on the exact circumstances, but let us takes two examples.
The first is that you find yourself at the end of your holiday, waiting gloomily for your luggage to materialize on the carousel at the airport. It always seems to be the case, no matter who you are, that of all the cases that come out onto the carousel, yours will be guaranteed to be the last. It almost seems to be the case that as a practical joke, the baggage handlers throw half a dozen bags onto the belt that don't actually belong to anyone who was on that flight, and then wait for twenty minutes before putting on the bags that do. Assuming that your bag has been lost is tempting, when in fact it has only been delayed.
Certainly, showing a little patience before rushing up to the help desk in blind panic can result in slightly reduced blood pressure all round. Of course, once the baggage has appeared, and it seems fairly likely that your luggage is not there, then it is important to go to the helpdesk for the airline that you traveled with, and report the situation to them. They will then be able to investigate whether it is still on its way, or whether perhaps it is on a separate flight. In some cases, baggage does go onto the incorrect flight, in which case it has to be rerouted and forwarded to you. Possibly, it simply didn't fit onto the plane and has been put on to the next flight, in which case, again, it will be forwarded to you. In either case you should be compensated for the inconvenience and delay.
If it has, in fact, gone completely missing, then it is at that point that it is very important that you have retained the ticket stub for that particular piece of luggage. The fact that you were given this before the arduous journey can mean in some cases that these have gone missing, but they are critical proof of your ownership of the bag, and of the airline's responsibility. Assuming that you can provide these, then a proper investigation can be carried out.
The other situation to consider is one where you are at the airport, and whilst you are waiting, possibly as your attention was distracted by the departure board, your bag was removed from your possession. At this point, as soon as you realize this, you must report the matter to security. If no security is obvious, then the airline helpdesk will do, but more often that not, in most airlines, the presence of security guards or even airline police will be more than obvious. Providing them with a description of the bag, and the location where it was last seen will assist them in rapidly scanning the area and using CCTV footage to identify the occasion of the theft.
As long as the theft is reported quickly, in many instances, it does prove possible to apprehend the culprit and reunite the baggage with the forlorn traveller. It is always helpful to make sure that not only is your name, location and address written on the luggage label on the outside of the bag, but as these can easily be pulled off, having duplicate information on a label inside the bag can prove a very effective means of having the bag reunited with its owner much quicker than it would be if the only way of identifying the owner of the bag is in matching their underwear.
Victor Epand is an expert consultant about luggage, cruises, hotels, and shopping. You will find the best marketplace for luggage, cruises, hotels, and shopping at these sites for bags, luggage, hotels and cruises.

Travelling England - Sheffield in the Peak District

If you have found your way to Sheffield, you are in for a treat. Whether you have come to visit for a while or your considering permanent residence, this historic area is going to transport you to the past, present, and future.
The wide array of cultural history available is enough to make your visit to Europe one that you will remember for the rest of your life. The first thing that you most likely will notice is the strikingly impressive countryside. All is available. From the woodlands to the canal walks, every step is an adventure into the richness of this area.
Sheffield is known as the City Of Trees as there are more trees here than people. This natural habitat means that there also a number of sites of scientific interest around the city with rare examples of flora and fauna.

No visit would be complete without visiting the stately homes of Chatsworth and Hardwick Hall. The heritage that is contained within these walls will be constant reminders of the Middle Ages and Mary Queen of Scots. Fourteen years of her life was spent here, imprisoned.
One of the homes in which she spent part of her time was Chatsworth, which now you can visit and walk the 105 acre garden. Try not to get lost in the maze but while you are here enjoy the magnificent fountains and the wonderful aroma of the flowers as pull out their spectacular colors for you to see.
Sheffield is the pride of Peak National District Park, always eager to show the beauty of her city to visitors from all over the world. If adventure is on your agenda, every week at the town hall, except for the few days between Christmas and New Year, twice weekly Mr. P. Dreadful shares his haunting history of the town.
If you are up for a little fame and fortune, you can take a tour of the area outside the Town Hall.
This special pavement holds the plaques of those who the people of this fine city feel have benefited it by bringing attention on a national level. Or even on an international level, this area honors the contributions the people felt to have earned themselves their place in this Hall of Fame.

One name that holds a plaque in this sidewalk is Def Leppard who you will recognize if you are follower of rock music.
Sheffield also has all manner of attractions for visitors to the city including a very large theatre complex that includes the renowned Lyceum and Crucible theatres and for even more cultural delights there is a good choice of galleries to visit, which hold exhibitions throughout the year.
If you prefer outdoor attractions then you will be spoilt by the vast array of parks and gardens most notable of which is the Sheffield Peace Gardens and of course the Winter Gardens.
If you do come to visit, make one of the luxury, yet affordable hotels your home away form home by staying the city. With close proximity to all you want to visit, you will feel to browse all the wonderful areas that you do not want to miss.
Sheffield has a number of fine hotels to meet all budgets and tastes for that matter, from the stately to the residential. For example if you would rather stay in the gorgeous countryside, in a residential area, southwest of the city is the Tyndale.
This is actually a 1930s house that has become a home to travellers who want to see the way people actually live rather than spend their vacation in a hotel.
If you have come to this area for a more permanent stay, you will want to find a house to rent. The rental process is a little different here than in other places. But there are some good websites that specialize in home rental and have useful information about the properties that are available.

6 Questions to Ask Your Travel Agent

Travel agents are indispensable resources for planning complicated trips, finding out the ins and outs of a destination, saving time, preventing travel headaches and getting the best value. However, each agent is different. Be sure that your travel agent is a good match for you by asking these questions.
1. What is the agent's specialty?
An agent who narrowly specializes in a destination or certain products, such as cruises, can provide solid advice that will be crucial to booking a rewarding, problem-free trip.
Does the agent specialize in adventure tours or culinary trips? Does he or she frequently book groups? Is the agent a cruise expert? You wouldn't go to a podiatrist to treat a toothache. The same concept goes for travel agents. If you're traveling to the Caribbean, work with a Caribbean travel specialist.
2. Has the agent traveled to your destination?
There's no substitute for first-hand knowledge. An agent who has actually traveled to the place where you want to go will know first-hand about the activities in which you plan to participate and the hotels in which you plan to stay. An agent who has been to the destination can make informed recommendations to steer you in the right direction.
3. What are the agent's fees?
Agents may charge a fee for each service, such as a flight, charge a flat rate, or earn a commission. Expect to compensate the agent for his or her time, advice, planning expertise and work. Still, it is a good idea to find out the fees and deposits up front so there are no surprises.
4. Does the agent have special relationships with travel suppliers?
Travel agents can often get you perks that are not available to the general public or published on the Internet. Hotels, car rental agencies and tour companies often make perks such as upgrades, discounted parking, and express check-in available only to agents who have negotiated them or to agents who have elite status. Find out if your agent is one of them.
5. What happens if something goes wrong?
Inconveniences are sometimes unavoidable. A flight may be canceled; the weather may be uncooperative. Find out how your agent responds to problems when they occur and what his or her policies are. It is also helpful to pay attention to how the agent interacts with you. Is he or she easy to reach? Does the agent get back to you promptly when you call or email? An agent should be there for you even after the trip is booked.
6. What questions does the agent have for you?
Make sure that your travel agent has the right information about you to make the best recommendations. Also, choose an agent who is receptive to your priorities.
Even if you request something as simple as a four-day trip to Rome, you should be asked a number of questions from whether you prefer fine dining establishments or street vendors to what type of hotels you like best. In the end, you will be offered a trip that is the best match for you.

Welcome to the Jungle

Aquamarine waters help drain the tension as you skim above the treetops along the shoreline of Belize. The single-prop, 12-seat Cessna drops onto the worn and bumpy paved runway, barely 100 yards flanked by water at the landing and stopping points. A tight turnaround and you're headed to a local airport the size of a postage stamp. Within minutes fresh, local produce and mail are loaded, your pilot signs the logsheet and manifest and he's preparing for takeoff on the long driveway. During this short landing to take-off time, native animals have been known to graze on the runway, locals will have to shoo them away.
Two more landings and twenty minutes later you're landing in the small village of Punta Gorda, surrounded by spectacular vistas of private and protected rainforest. A secluded resort is nestled among the lightly treaded nature trails, wild bush, hidden caves, tropical waterways and centuries old archeological sites. Your professional guide will pick you up and whisk you to the resort for a fruity, refreshing beverage. At your leisure wander up the stone walkway, amid hummingbirds and tropical flora to your two-story, hand carved and built cabins, replete with verandas and mosquito netted beds.

Enjoy a morning bike ride along the nature trail with your guide and picnic lunches. Visit the Wildlife rehab center, Ballum Na, at Indian Creek where you can see a bright, beautiful toucan, a pair of jaguars and a black howler monkey, who will hold your hand with her soft, petite hands as she hangs by her tail.
Two archeological sites are nearby documented as far back as 790 B.C. Nim Li Punit (Big Hat) was discovered in the 198o's where 26 Stelas were unearthed. It is believed that these Stelas were monuments depicting their life. A religious quarter is at the top of rock formations. This pyramid style build-up was made without any mortar. A grassy area in the middle appeared to be a popular sport game with two men and a ball.

Later, step into a canoe or kayak then relish a quiet paddle on the Golden Stream river, through one of the world's few natural rainforests. Your guide will point out various, birds, flora, fauna and any animals you might encounter; the gold and white anteater, sea otters or a few bats sleeping on a tree trunk. Vines hang leisurely, draped over trees and across the narrow waterway, while nocturnal bats sleep on a ceiber tree on the bank. The riverbed is littered with debris of leaves and branches, recycling life. A sea otter suns himself on a rock up ahead as a snake bird dives for fish.
Welcome to Jungle Camp, the Belizean jungle. Tall, arthritic-looking redwood trees reach for the sky offering an ecosystem for some jungle habitants. A clear, unspoiled stream brings visitors from the uncivilized world into remote areas of the bush by canoe and kayak. Beautiful and unusual flowers and plants, as well as a few spiders and snakes quietly make this their home. An easy and rewarding paddle welcomes you into a private sanctuary where tropically colored toucans, dancing butterflies and black howler monkeys peacefully co-habitat.
A canopied labyrinth with about a dozen thatched-roofed cabanas sit 20 feet above ground, quietly tucked away in the jungle.
A damp, green, woodsy aroma wafts under your nostrils. A narrow ribbon of light is barely visible over the canopy of trees; ceiber, palm, and redwoods. Off in the distance morning songs from the kingfisher and hummingbirds are chirped across the river. The beam from your flashlight catches something on the ground. In the soft dirt are tracks. Fresh, after the rain, one after another heading down the trail. Upon closer inspection you can make out the definition of these heavy, but clear paw prints. A jaguar has been prowling near the camp. Other, smaller tracks are that of the Tapir, the national animal.
The jungle, or bush as locals refer to it, is home to almost 600 species of exotic birds, mammals and plants.
Paddle or ride a power boat out of the jungle to Moho Caye. Your private oasis awaits you. Watch the dolphins play nearby as you dock on the sandy beach. A few mangrove and pine trees offer shade to well camouflaged iguanas and visiting humans. Beautiful conch shells line the path to your thatched-roof, tent/cabana. Relax on your private veranda in an adirondack chair or at the handcrafted redwood dining facility. Respite for man and nature. Miles of teal-blue ocean east towards the sunrise and slumbering mountains to the west.

Disney World's Typhoon Lagoon

This summer, you can cool off at Disney World's Typhoon Lagoon. This water park which first opened in 1989 is still attracting a lot of visitors with its centerpiece, the 100 foot Mount Mayday where the park's 2 speed slides, 4 twisting body slides and three tube slides are all located. You also won't have a hard time finding it because you will notice Ms. Tilly, a shrimp boat situated on top of the mountain.
Beneath the 100 foot man made mountain, the theme park spreads out to a 2 ½ acre lagoon that is surrounded by white beaches. If the weather gets to you, there is plenty of shade around thanks to the lush vegetation.

Some of the other attractions at the theme park are Ketchakiddie Creek, Typhoon Lagoon Surf Pool, Castaway Creek, Humunga Kowabunga, Storm Slides, Gang Plank Falls, Mayday Falls, Keelhaul Falls and Shark Reef.
In case you need anything, you can head down to Singapore Sal's Beachwear, Gifts & Sundries. If you have to store some stuff, you can rent a locker for $5 while $7 for a larger one. There is a refundable fee of $2 when you turn in the key.
Guests can borrow towel for $1 each. For those that need life vests, you can get this for free since you are not allowed to bring other floatation devices into the park.
When you feel hungry, you can get some snacks at Leaning Palms, Typhoon Tilly's, Lowtide Lou's Snacks and Let's Go Slurpin.
If you need to some medical attention, you can go to the First Aid Station that is located near the Leaning Palms Snack Bar.
There are certain regulations that people should follow when inside the park.
1. Swimwear that has exposed metal is not allowed to be worn inside the park.
2. Children under the age of 10 should always be accompanied by an adult.
3. Although the park is open from 10am to 5pm, this may change depending on the weather conditions.
4. If you have made reservations beforehand and the park is suddenly closed, you will not be given a refund.

5. Even if you buy a ticket to enter this water park, you cannot use this to enter any of Disney's other water parks.
The park is closed for one month every year for repairs and maintenance. Adults have to pay $35 plus tax while children below the age of 10 to 4 will have to pay $29 plus tax. Anyone under three is free.

Disney World's DisneyQuest

Disney World always comes out with new attractions so that people will come back for more. One attraction is Disney World's DisneyQuest that features cutting edge virtual reality technology with classic Disney imagination.
DisneyQuest is a 5 story amusement park that occupies a space of 100,000 square feet located in the Downtown Disney West Side entertainment district near the end, across from House of Blues and next to Cirque du Soleil.
Guests who come here will first go to the Ventureport. It is a crossroad that leads to four unique entertainment environments namely the Explore Zone, the Score Zone, the Create Zone and the Replay Zone.

What sets these 4 virtual reality environments apart? Well, the Explore zone might let you reminisce some of the old Disney stories. In the Score zone, you get to compete against other players to see who among you the best is. The Create zone allows you to invent things while the Replay zone is filled with rides and games.
Some of the other adventures you may find here include;
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer Gold that takes a crew of four into a 3-D world of plundered towns, fortress islands and erupting volcanoes for an action-packed adventure that lasts five-minutes long.
2. You can even try out the Song Maker which allows you to make your own song.
3. The Virtual Jungle Cruise allows to get on board a raft and paddle for your life through the rapids.
4. Cyber Space Mountain allows you to make your own roller coaster.
5. There is the Mighty Ducks Pinball Slam where players are part of the pinball game.
6. Lastly, there is Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride that lets you fly through the streets of Agrabah.
When you get hungry, you can grab a bite to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. If you want to get a souvenir, don't forget to drop by the on site retail shop.
The operating hours of DisneyQuest is from 11:30am until midnight on Friday's and Saturday's. The place closes at 11:00pm from Sunday until Thursday.
The rate to enter DisneyQuest is $31 for adults plus tax while $25 for children under the age of 9. If your child plans to check it out, he or she should always be accompanied by an adult.
DisneyQuest is just one of the many attractions within the Disney World complex. So if you get a chance to drop by, this is one place you shouldn't miss.

The Easiest Way to Transport Parties in Cabo

The most conventional solution to commuting throughout Cancun's nightlife is not by walking or acquiring a taxi, although it's still a good option, is to hire your own local, private transportation. Similar to the increasingly popular services back state-side, having a chauffer to escort you between bars and clubs is the answer to a number of pressing questions, including:
How will I get to the clubs and back to my hotel without a car?
A taxi is the first and logical answer, but since the abundance of private transportation, scheduling someone to pick you and your cohorts up, and having the convenience of someone waiting on you has become something of a luxury, but a necessity for large groups of people.
How will I transport everyone in my party?
A segue from the last question; with private busses or limousines, shuttling large quantities of people from location to location in Cancun without all of the confusion can be easily achieved.
How long do I have the chauffer on retainer for and how expensive are they?
Typically, your private transportation can be reserved in increments of 3—3, 6, 9, or 12. As for the cost of these services, most, if not all, are cheap. It may be the bunt of a hundred jokes and clichés, but Mexico caters to the frugal, and this is no exception.
Some transportation companies' clientele consist primarily of airport transfers and tourists searching for a cool and sedated means of exploring the city outside of their Cabo hotels. However, it is understood that a considerable chunk of their business accumulates from tours of Cabo's infamous nightlife.

Enid Glasgow is a product of unbridled wanderlust and a knack for gab. When Enid is traveling Cabo, she can undoubtedly be found at ME Cabo

Latest 7 Wonders of the World - Unearthing New Heritage Sites

The latest version of the 7 wonders of the world was announced on the 7th July, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal on the basis of popular voting. The event was quite a craze amongst the individuals as well as the media, and saw the performances some of the popular artists like Jennifer Lopez. In fact, it wasn't a merely a cultural evening, as booklets and videos related to the wonders were also made accessible for the visitors. Apart from the fame it gathered, the approach towards choosing latest 7 wonders was strongly criticized by UNSECO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) and many others. This was so because, the online mode of popular opting wasn't considered by these agencies as an appropriate way to select upon the 7 world wonders.

Latest 7 wonders of the world were chosen from thousands of sites all across the e world. The final list of these 7 wonders included sites: Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, Macchu Picchu in Pera, Petra in Jordon, Christ-The Redeemer in Brasil, Chichen Itza in Mexico, and Colosseum in Italy. These sites were a product of popular voting from across 200 countries, and were a much awaited event. These sites reflect the richness of cultural heritage that is made known to the international fame.
Individuals of all age group and gender have a keen towards knowing more about the wonders of the all world. The emergence of online websites that accommodate exhaustive information inclusive of articles, news as well as pictures of the 7 wonders of the world could be a delightful welcome by numerous individuals across the globe. In the recent years, online websites have offered an ideal option to enable enhancement of knowledge with convenience and without incurring any additional cost on your budgetary limitations.

On the Fast Track in Phoenix

Two women well past 40 raced around the fastest 60 acres in the world, following our dreams.
We were at the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving in Phoenix, Arizona. This school is widely recognized as the worldwide leader in driver training. We enrolled in order to become better drivers... and to have fun doing it.
As Bob Bondurant said, "You are never too old to learn something new" and how right he is! Bob is a man of passion, vision and spirit. Some of his courses offered are perfect for those of us who want to learn to drive safely and with greater confidence and control.
Courses designed for individuals can be customized to accommodate group interests, timing and budgets. When we were part of such a group, we thought the day would be interesting and enjoyable. It turned into one that provided the thrills of a lifetime. Of equal importance is the fact that we will be driving more comfortably for a longer time, with increased driving skills that may someday save a life.
Soon after that day, one took a 3,000 mile road trip throughout the country on freeways, byways, and back roads. What a difference the High Performance Driving course meant to her on that journey! She was a safer, more alert, more relaxed driver, thanks to the advanced street driving skills honed at the school.
A graduate of the High Performance Driving, Ann Hoagland, said, "On my way home from the class I was in the right lane, transitioning to another freeway when an 18-wheler two lanes over blew a rear tire. I drove around the flying rubber and then quickly accelerated to get out of the way of the truck as it rapidly moved into me to get off the road. No panic. I just did what I was taught. I took the class because I see too much scary stuff happening on the freeway, but never expected the class to pay for itself the very next day. Thanks! It was great fun and useful."
When we read the quotes from many different attendees of all ages, we could see they all learned a lot, improved important skills, and had fun doing it. That was exactly what we were looking for. Plus, we could make use of the Spa at the nearby Sheraton at Wild Horse Pass.

The other one of us had even more fun. While one maneuvered with new expertise along the blue highways of America, the other returned to the Bob Bondurant School for another lesson in high performance driving. When applying what had been learned, she was amazed at what a difference a day made. To discover more, what better way would there be than to meet and talk with Bob? Little did she know after their interview, Bob would take her on exciting hot laps around the track reaching 160 m.p.h. Witnessing his skill and precision, combined with the thrill from the speed, was an experience she'll never forget.
We returned when invited to help celebrate the 40th anniversary of the school. We had just as much fun and excitement as ever. We were all split into teams and did slaloms around a course in a tag team line-up. As we drove the little red Pontiac Solstices we all got the hang of it after a few turns. Then we moved up to the Corvettes on the full track. After watching a few male speed demons spin out, we were more cautious, and yet we still improved our time and performance. Our team had been named the "Losers" by the other team. But, we ended up winning the team event by 30 seconds-victory and another wonderful memory.
The entire list of classes is available at or (480) 961-0143. And, the closest, luxurious place to stay is the Sheraton at Wild Horse Pass, There are many other wonderful hotels in the area. But, while you are at the school, you focus will be the driving. Plus, the driving school has a special rate.
We were in good fast track company among many well known graduates, including both Dale Earnhardt Sr. and Jr., John Andretti, Nicolas Cage, James Garner, Clint Eastwood, Jason Priestly, and Paul Newman. Nobody should think this is for men only-no way. Some of the women include Candice Bergen, Crystal Bernard, Georgia Durante, Katie Holmes, Nicky Hilton, Paris Hilton, Rachael Bilson, Regina King, Shannon Elizabeth, Amy Van Dyken, Gabrielle Reece, Mia Hamm, Simeon Rice, LeeAnn Tweeden, Maria Menounos and Paige Hemmis, to name a few.
When you go, we hope you will share your experience with us. You can find our contact information in our bios.
As Newman, who knows about life on the fast track, said, "Bob Bondurant is as good as it gets. I wish I'd been as good as he's gotten."

Green Ideas For Vacationing

Green travel is about respecting people in the local environment, it is about giving back to the local economy and respecting the people in the local environment where you are visiting. It is also more than just the environment, traveling green is one way of saying "please help us in saving or mother earth", being responsible for making right choices and helping one another, even if it is little by little it is building a better community and future.
Look for hotels with a "Green Score. " While some hotels may only have one leaf, keep in mind that even one leaf is a step in the right direction. It's important to support the green efforts that each hotel takes because it shows management that they are doing the right thing, and it encourages further expansion of green programs. These are some really simple steps you can take to help green up your stay, even if you did not book with a Green Scored Hotel. Encourage the hotel you chose to go green or thank them for the green programs that they participate in. By all means, if your hotel has a sheets and towels reuse program, use it and bring your own toiletries, if you do open any of the ones the hotel supplies, take home the unused portion and then of course recycle.
Staying at home and cleaning the house with the lights off on your next vacation would definitely be the best way to go carbon neutral, but what fun would that be; so if you're planning on taking a long road trip or doing a lot of driving on your vacation, consider a hybrid car rental. The car rental company that comes to mind for renting a hybrid and fuel efficient cars is Enterprise, they are also known to support alternative fuel research and have pledged to plant trees over the next 50 years.
Going green is no longer enough to be just green at home; we need to extend that green behavior while on vacation. Even those of us who are ultra green at home can sometimes forget about our environmental commitments while we are on vacation. Green travel is good for business, good for people and good for the planet; it is mindful travel encompassing literally every combination of preferences you can dream up. So keep in mind that green travel is about big hearts, not big budgets, be good to Mother Earth and all the rest of us here on the planet while you are on vacation. We all thank you.
Dale have enjoyed extensive travel and on one of their trips said to each other, we should do this for a living. With that said, they are now operating a travel website where you can plan a wedding on the beach in Tahiti including a Bridal Registry; a Golf Vacation including reserving tee times; Spa Vacations; Outdoor Adventure Vacations. They offer full personalized service online 24/7 at Let them be your Vacation Specialist Dale's Travel YTB

Some Really Spectacular Golf Tips As Well As Products Online!

Almost all of us have that one favorite sport that they really enjoy participating in, mine is swimming boxing. But if you're like many of the other people on earth you probably like a little thing called golf! In 2005 Golf Digest speculated that there were nearly 32,000 courses in the world, half of them being in the USA! And, according to the National Golf Foundation in the year 2000 over 6.9 million people from the USA were playing golf!
That's pretty amazing. Some people however can't see the attraction to golf, they think it's boring and whatnot. But once you've been out on that course, you know what's what and why you enjoy it so much. I find golf to be a really relaxing but challenging game to play when I've had a hard and long day at work!
So what about those people, the ones that really enjoy it? How do they get their hands on some really nice golf equipment products and accessories? Can you buy this stuff online? You sure can! And what's better, you can find absolutely anything under the sun that you could ever possibly want! Some of the things you could find online are golf balls, tees, clubs, apparel and shoes. And, if you REALLY enjoy golf you are also probably really into golf outings, golf trips, and golf resorts. No problem, you can find tons of information about all these things and more!
If your checking out places online to buy actual golf equipment and accessories your best bet would be to go to one of the more popular brand name websites that are well-know. Sites like DicksSportingGoods, GolfDiscount, SportsAuthority or CallawayGolfPreowned. The last site is nice because you can buy a really great set of clubs that are still pretty darn new!
Now if you're interested in things like golf outings or golf resorts why not try some sites like PGAresort, or GolfLink. PGAresort offers things like golf specials and packages, products, PGA National Golf Academy, memberships, or plan a tournament which actually allows you to play the PGA course and plan a tournament or group game with all your friends! GolfLink is a simple web site that lets you search by keyword, course name, city, state and zip code to find the closest course to where you live or where you will be staying.
If you're interested in finding more resort sites like the ones listed above you're in luck because the pages go on and on and on! Simply go to Google and search for "Golf Resort Sites", "Stay At A Golf Resort", or "Find A Golf Resort Near Me."
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The Proper Golf Swing Setup in Two Easy Steps

The mental check off list associated with the typical golf swing setup is far too long. Most amateurs worry about too many factors rather than following a few short steps. The following two easy steps will help you get in the proper golf swing setup each time you step up to the ball.
This setup routine can be broken down into smaller steps. But in essence it has two basic parts. Here are the steps for right-handed golfers.
One, step up to the ball with your weight on your right foot. And two, tilt your back shoulder down slightly.
Step 1: Take Your Stance By Leaning Forward On One Foot
After gripping the club, place it behind the ball. Next, place your right foot behind the ball and put all your weight on it. Your left foot lags behind and offers balance.
This position forces you into a comfortable distance from the ball. Too close and you feel the club pushing into your gut. Too far and you are reaching for the club.
Your Arms Should Hang Straight Down
A second check is the location of your arms. Once you have established the proper distance from the ball your arms will hang straight down. Gravity helps put them into the proper position. Do not force them closer to your body or away from your body.
Look Downrange While Placing Your Feet
Turn your head to look downrange as you place your feet. Taking your stance in this manner engages more of your senses. It dynamically helps you to square up to the target.
Shift your weight back and forth while you are looking at the target. Feel the bottoms of your feet making contact with the ground. Focus on the balls of your feet, or the front two-thirds of the foot.
Step Two: Tilt Slightly to the Right
By tilting your right shoulder down it does three things. First, it places a little more weight on the right leg, preparing it for the back swing.
Second, it aligns the right hand in the proper position on the club. The right hand fills a lower position naturally because the right shoulder is now lower.
Third, this slight tilt helps the alignment of your shoulders, arms, and feet to be on the same path to the target.
For a video demonstration of the above steps, click on the link below.
By following the golf swing setup steps in the video you will find yourself playing more often in the fairway and hitting the ball farther.
Tim Heeter is a golf coach and author of Golf Training Aids 365, a website helping golfers learn to take control of their golf game. See videos demonstrating this simple two step golf swing setup at his website Golf Training Aids 365.

Tips on Organizing a Golf Tournament

If you are golf club or a charity organization planning to organize a golf tournament then the number one thing that you need to be aware of is planning. There are details at every little step that you need to take care of to successful organize a golf tournament.
The first thing that you need to decide while starting on plan for a golf tournament is that what level and what type of tournament do you intend to have. A large scale or a small scale one. Based on that there will be several things that you need to take care of particularly finances. There are checklists and plans available on the internet for free download which you use for effective planning. The next thing that you need to do is to make sure that you send out letters to request sponsorship of the event. It is important so that you know who is providing the finances. A lot of corporates usually will like to get associated with golf so this should be easy. But send out these sponsorship letters four to five months in advance.
This will give you enough time to do other things once the finances are sorted out. The next step to plan out what the venue will be and who will do the on ground organizing. There are companies who take care of all the things for the event. You can hire these companies and they take care of all the things including the golf awards and the on ground hassles during the event. If you go for these companies then make sure that you have a handle on the things as there are several things which will need your input. You also need to think of which players you need to invite and also send them invitation in advance. You would also need a notable person for the prize giving ceremony. He could be a local administrative or political figure. You can also try to get a veteran golf player. To get these on board you definitely need to speak to them personally and book them in advance. The other main thing that you need to handle is the advertisement for the event and the media you need for that. Getting good press is job half done as that would ensure maximum participation. If you have the finances make sure to hire a public relations firm. Last but not the least review the plan and the checklist everyday for organizing a successful golfing event.
The author is a golf aficionado and writes about custom logo golf balls. He views these custom logo golf balls as a good medium for corporate promotion.

How To Hone Your Hook In Bowling

Bowling is a leisure sport that may seem simple, but it involves both discipline and creativity. If you want to be a good bowler, you have to learn the various techniques and movements used in bowling.
Bowling has been around for ages, and over the years techniques and strategies have been discovered that help modern bowlers improve their bowling game. Some bowling moves were created to give your bowling ball maximum power when it hits the pins by creating sharp angles to the pocket.
These days, you can choose from any number of bowling balls, and this helps promote styles that allow the bowler to hook the ball. Today's bowling balls are designed to enable stronger and more efficient hooking.
Follow these tips to learn the hook technique in bowling:
1. Make sure you are using the right bowling ball. Both the size and weight of the ball must be in perfect proportion to the shape and strength of the bowler. If you are not using the proper ball, you will not hit your target.
2. It is vital to have a good grip on the bowling ball. You always want to bowl with your dominant hand. If you are right handed, bowl with your right hand. If you're a leftie, then use your left hand. Some players tuck their "pinky" underneath their bowling ball for additional support and to increase the force when releasing the ball.
3. When you bowl, you must remain focused and visualize where you want the ball to go. Some bowlers use the arrow markings as a guide when judging the ball's path.
4. Your release needs to be perfectly timed. Some bowlers take four steps, with the third being a half step to make sure they are in the correct position for release. To get perfect timing, swing the bowling ball while you are taking your steps, and start to release the ball when your ankle touches the ground and you begin sliding. Release the ball when you stop sliding.
5. The swinging and release of the ball is the last step. If you want to use the hook, the trick is to make the bowling ball rotate as it rolls down the lane. To make this happen, you have to bend your elbow during your swing and straighten it out as you release.
Use caution when you first practice using this hook technique, so you don't injure yourself. If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you practice with someone with more experience so they can guide you toward the correct movements and timing.
Learn more about the history of bowling and bowling score at The Bowling Coach site.

How To Remove Lane Conditioner From A Bowling Ball

Lane Conditioner (oil) can reduce the effectiveness of a ball when it soaks in. There are a number of ways to address the problem.
One of the easiest ways to get oil out, is to not let lane conditioner (oil) get in. I'm a big fan of wiping the ball off before every shot. Terry cloth or microfiber towels help remove oil from the surface actively as you bowl. By keeping the surface clean, you don't get oil, all ready on the ball from the last shot, impeding ball reaction. Manufacturer recommended cleaners or cleaner/polishes will help minimize oil absorption after play is completed.
The key, to addressing the oil in the ball problem, is, how and to what "degree" you subject your bowling ball to heat. Ebonite International will tell you, hot tap water (usually 120 degrees or so, HOTTER is NOT better) will warm the surface and float the oil off the ball. You'll need a bucket or container big enough to hold a bowling ball. You must soak the ball (submerge it in the bucket or container) for half an hour, or thereabouts. You will need to deal with slimy finger grips (if installed) and soggy tape (don't leave it in while submerging).
Still oily, do it again. Let dry at room temperature.
A final wipe down with rubbing alcohol or manufacturer recommended cleaner/cleaner polish and you are ready, once again, to roll. Anything added to an alcohol solvent (fragrance, color like in household cleaners) will leave a residue, which can lead to other problems.
Another option, the Ebonite company does have a system (called Hook Again) using dry chemicals to draw oil out of a bowling ball.
Also, recent Brunswick research shows that a controlled system to sweat balls of oil has merit. Be careful, opinions vary. The Ebonite company doesn't sanction any heating of the covers of their bowling balls (as in sun, oven, etc.) as a solution to oil absorption and reaction loss.
Storm/Roto Grip and Ebonite/Hammer/Columbia/Track point out that warming a ball too quickly creates problems, the least of which is a voided warrantee. Oil comes out but so does some of the chemical structure of the cover (plasticizers), causing (they feel) brittleness and loss of structural integrity.
Warm coverstock surface and cool core occasionally split apart, called core separation.
Friedl is 18 Years a Chicago Area Pro Shop Operator (Revolutions Pro Shops - and Coach. International Pro Shop and Instructors Association (IBPSIA) Hands On Training Certified, Former Bowling Center Operator - (17 years), IBPSIA Charter and Continuing member (17 years), Bowling Writers Association of America (BWAA) member, US Bowling Coaches Association member, Bowling Proprietors Associations of America Management School presenter, IBPSIA Convention presenter, "Bowlers Journal International" Magazine contributor, "Pro Shop Operator" Magazine contributor.

The Bowling Mental Game - The Mental Game of Bowling

This is an approach to the mental game of bowling. In the sports world it is known that the mental outlook is very important for success. This is true not only in sporting events, but in all aspects of life. There are several ways to achieve this positive outlook. The following are just a few. I believe that it takes a combination of these mental techniques to achieve success. Please be aware that there are many methods to the mental game.
Here Is a Outline of a Few Approaches.
1. Visualization - Visualize how you are going to roll your bowling ball in your pre-shot routine, kind of like a video or a mental picture or image
2. Relaxation Or Self Hypnosis - This is one of the techniques that I feel is the root of all mental approaches like a basis for the mental game. There are several methods for this available.
3. Concentration - Here is a technique I use as a pre-shot warm up. I pick out one of the dots on the approach, then stare or focus on it briefly until I can only concentrate on the dot. When I know that I can fully focus on the dot I know that I can focus on my spot or mark on the bowling lane. At this point I know that my mind is clear, focused, and I can concentrate.
4. Subliminal - I use subliminal tapes or cd's in combination with relaxation or self hypnosis. I have found only a couple of places to get these tapes or cd's. With subliminal tapes you listen to music to distract you outer mind, while behind the music or in the background are positive suggestions for your inner mind to pick up on. If you can not find these tapes or cd's that are specifically for bowling use some that are for self confidence.
1. Visualization - Concentration = Accuracy
2. Relaxation Or Self Hypnosis - Subliminal = Confidence
3. Self Hypnosis - Is a basis for mental training and can be used in all aspects of the mental game.
These are just a few of many techniques for the mental game of not just bowling other sports as well.
Bowling Tips and Techniques - Discount Bowling Balls and Bags

Imbalance and Influence on a Balls Reaction

Any imbalance will effect a ball (within the parameters of the many outside influences). The bowling ball center of gravity, or CG, is the heaviest point of balance when the manufacturer weighs the ball. Manufacturers scribe a point, or identifying logo (an Eye of the Storm logo on Storm Bowling balls, a bowling hand on a Columbia300 ball, a Bulls Eye on Ebonite balls, or simple dots on others) to identify a beginning point to place the centerline of the grip (the layout of a ball).
Placing the gripping holes in relationship to the CG creates static imbalances. Static imbalance or a difference from one side of the ball to the opposite side (positive or negative side weight, finger or thumb weight) can be a gross difference of only an ounce in heavier bowling balls. So, the manipulation of top weight (leaving up to the allowable 3 ounces) or the weight removal of a portion of, all of, or more than the top weight (resulting in bottom weight) in the drilling process, can potentially come into play for some bowlers on some lane conditions. Up to 7 pound plus weight blocks, in heavier balls, still impact ball reaction way more than the ounce to 3 ounces of static imbalance.
Static imbalance influences ball reaction (minimally). The degree of influence is the responsibility of the ball driller.
For example, if you throw hard, (and have a decent rev rate, a typical axis tilt and rotation) and the lane is drier, the maximum top weight in a drilled ball of 3 ounces, might cause the ball to skid a little further but to hook violently. The same ball with more surface, adjusting the roughness of the cover stock of the ball, might hook early, burn up and roll out.
Same ball, with a smoother surface, shined up, with ball speed, on more oil might skid for days.
Players, their unique skills (speed, rev rate, tilt, rotation), and the lanes current state of condition (oily, medium, light, dry) all come into play when choosing to maximize top weight, lessen or minimize top weight or seek bottom weight when drilling a bowling ball.
Often, I choose more top weight to benefit slower players or players seeking later ball reaction. Top weight influences the down lane reaction. But, again, more top weight might make a ball unplayable on a lane with more oil.
Layout and imbalances are tools to shape the down lane action of a ball. Ball surface helps manage the front part of the lane (rougher for more oil or more ball speed, smoother/shiny for slower speed, less oil).
Friedl is 18 Years a Chicago Area Pro Shop Operator (Revolutions Pro Shops - and Coach. International Pro Shop and Instructors Association (IBPSIA) Hands On Training Certified, Former Bowling Center Operator - (17 years), IBPSIA Charter and Continuing member (17 years), Bowling Writers Association of America (BWAA) member, US Bowling Coaches Association member, Bowling Proprietors Associations of America Management School presenter, IBPSIA Convention presenter, "Bowlers Journal International" Magazine contributor, "Pro Shop Operator" Magazine contributor.

Getting a New Performance Bowling Ball

Getting a new ball involves some research. Matching up your skills, your ball speed and the condition you bowl on using a specific performance ball is the key to success and a very involved process.
The first step in the process is to ask yourself some questions. What are you looking for a new ball to do? Will it compliment the existing equipment you own or replace a piece that's not working as well as it used to?
A performance bowling ball currently is made using a polyurethane base for the coverstock (commonly called urethane). When particles of various materials (ceramic, glass, etc.) are added into the urethane, the result is a particle ball with varying amounts of particles (called loads). The size of a ball's particles determine how easily the protrusions penetrate the layer of conditioner on a lane. A ball's surface finished rougher (or with heavier loads) bites earlier/quicker. A smoother surface (with lighter loads and/or smaller particles) on a dull ball, or a particle pearl pushes down lane longer before the spikes of material push through the oil and contact the lane surface creating friction. Last in the particle category are the hybrid or combinations of materials like hybrid particle and reactive resin balls.
Particle balls have lost a little of their luster (not many still being made), as they usually demand lots of oil or plenty of ball speed.
I have had good luck with particle pearl balls which have smooth covers to manage the oily front part of a lane but also have small particles or light loads which allow the balls to transition differently than a pearl reactive ball.
Reactive resin balls contain materials that remain uncured when combined with and molded onto a bowling ball core. The urethane base material is porous and the uncured goop, trapped in the pores of the coverstock, can ooze to the surface. When the ball gains friction which heats the surface, the heat warms the goop, goop expands and it bleeds to the surface. The sticky goop is why reactive resin balls transition so violently. They get sticky (gaining tremendous friction) as well as the other characteristics (core influence, surface texture) encouraging a ball to change directions.
Urethane balls are the last category (like the Lane 1 Liberator, Buzzsaw THS or Brunswick Groove). With different (less) reaction than particle or reactive balls, urethane's offer the potential of surface, dynamics of core (or lack of) to provide (usually) milder more controllable ball reactions.
With details like your rev rate, axis tilt and rotation, ball speed and type of lane condition you bowl on, you could START evaluating what might work for you.
Your local International Bowling Pro Shop and Instructors Association (IBPSIA) pro shop should be able to help with the details. Bowl Well!
Friedl is 18 Years a Chicago Area Pro Shop Operator (Revolutions Pro Shops - and Coach. International Pro Shop and Instructors Association (IBPSIA) Hands On Training Certified, Former Bowling Center Operator - (17 years), IBPSIA Charter and Continuing member (17 years), Bowling Writers Association of America (BWAA) member, US Bowling Coaches Association member, Bowling Proprietors Associations of America Management School presenter, IBPSIA Convention presenter, "Bowlers Journal International" Magazine contributor, "Pro Shop Operator" Magazine contributor.